Our brain is almost 95% made of it, our lungs a close 90%. Blood is 82% while your overall body weight is close to 75%. What am I talking about? WATER!

One of the most vital nutrients for your body, water plays many roles in your body and here I have summarized some of the most important ways it affects your daily life and how to recognize when you’re low. Pay close attention.


Cramps, fatigue, focus, attention span, vision, reflexes… Everything suffers when you’re low on water and the worst part is you can avoid many of these issues simply by staying hydrated. If you have trained with me you will know my workouts are tough on their own, don’t make your training with me or on your own harder by ignoring your thirst. Your body cannot absorb it as quickly as you lose it, so plan ahead and don’t wait until you’re thirsty to down a few sips.

Aim to get  2-4lt of water down you  per day

Flush Function

As you exercise you’re sweating heavily and creating metabolic waste, so a body low on water will run into problems quickly if it’s dehydrated. Not only does sweat help keep you cool when you have elevated body temperatures, but water also regulates your bodies temperature 24 hours a day. It flush out the toxins through your urine and the longer these toxins stay in your system, the more strain placed on your organs (liver, kidneys, etc.) Stay cool and keep your sweat, blood, and urine clean to avoid and chronic dehydration.

Weight Control

A tall glass of water half an hour before dinner stops you from overeating since thirst and hunger are controlled by the same part of the brain (hypothalamus) and the signals for hunger and thirst are nearly identical. Water is total calorie-free, but you knew that. It won’t help you lose weight on it’s own, but it will slash your sugar intake when you substitute it for sodas and other artificially sweetened drinks. It will also make you feel more full.


The obvious signs of dehydration of thirst but your entire body will have warning signs when you’re low on fluid; Muscle cramps, nausea, dry mouth, dry skin, a feeling of weakness. Your urine will be dark yellow and concentrated. It should be a faint yellow to almost clear.

So simple, so important. Water is incredibly relevant for pretty much every reason you can think of and more. Down a glass an hour before your workout. Take small sips in between. Down

another after you’re complete. Know the signs, avoid simple mistakes, and you won’t suffer needlessly.