10 Tips To Drop The Unwanted Fat Even When You Are Double Busy

10 top tips to start dropping body fat for in the busy world we live in today.

  1. Make sure you are taking on a minimum of 2 litres of bottled water per day. By taking in water through out the day (the more the better) it has been proven to increase energy levels and decrease hunger.
  2. Try to get 8 hours of quality sleep every night. This will help to lower cortisol (Stress hormone)
  3. Cut out the C.R.A.P from your diet (Carbonated drinks, Refined sugars, Artificial sweeteners and colorings, Processed foods)
  4. Start eating more F.O.O.D (Fats, Organic produce, Omega 3 fish oils, Drink more water and herbal teas)
  5. Stop counting calories whilst eating clean. Not all calories are created equally, or stored and used in the same way so why treat them like they are?
  6. Increase your intake of green veg. Increasing the amount of vegatables you have with your meals is another sure way to make yourself feel fuller by eating the right type of food without having to count the calories.
  7. Make sure you start the day with a high protein based breakfast to help you feel fuller for longer and stopping starting the day with a sugar high that will only lead to a crash.
  8. Add HIIT (High, Intensity, Interval, Training) workouts into your life using   mix of cardio and resistance training to ramp up your metabolic rate of burning fat.
  9. Take the left overs of last nights dinner for lunch.  This will save you time preparing your lunch and give you extra time on your lunch break to relax.
  10. Make sure you take “Time Out” from work or any stressful situations. This will help by decreasing your cortisol levels (stress hormone).

This could be going for a leisure walk, a relaxing pilates or yoga class, treating yourself to a spa day, message.